Slow progress on unpaid super sparks calls for action
29 August
Australian workers are still missing out on billions in unpaid super each year, with the average affected worker left $30,000 worse off at retirement. Affecting nearly one in four workers – particularly younger people, women in low-paid...[Read More]
Coalition smacked over ‘not-so-super’ home-buyer plan
31 July
Letting first-time buyers dip into their retirement savings for a housing deposit would push up house prices and, by extension, rents, new super industry analysis shows. Renters could end up paying $57 more a week in today’s dollars were dwelling...[Read More]
Simple checks for super success
20 June
Complete these checks to help meet your super obligations. Meeting your super obligations as an employer is important, but we know there’s a lot you need to think about. To help streamline the process, complete these simple checks for...[Read More]
From Distant Concern to Valued Asset: The Adult’s Guide to Embracing Superannuation
4 April
Being young comes with a whirlwind of experiences and financial priorities, often pushing thoughts about retirement and superannuation to the back burner. Initially, for many young individuals, superannuation feels like a distant concern,...[Read More]
Super access won’t lower hurdles for young home hunters
28 March
Many young Australians living in the capital cities will not be able to pay for a house deposit, even if they drained their entire retirement savings, a report has found. Rates of home ownership are declining for young Australians as prices climb...[Read More]
Is there an underinsurance problem in Australia?
9 November
While the title of this post may surprise some people, it’s actually a rhetorical question. In fact, as far back as 2005, the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) was already reporting on home building underinsurance. There...[Read More]